Thursday, March 1, 2012


AUTISM AWARENESS - Dr Barry White from Canada informs that one child out of 88 are diagonsed as AUTISTIC. Anthony, a fire-fighter has a seven year old child named Ethan who is autistic. Anthony was introduced to Immunocal by a fellow fire fighter. Anthony read Immunotecs extensive research and learned that 50% of autistic children under care are determined to have low levels of glutathione. Within days Ethan responded with interactions to other children at dayschool and with family members. Ethan continues to positively progress to the point of being on stage in an auditorium talking about what he wants to do when he grows up. Prior to taking Immunocal, Ethan did not make eye contact or communicate. Reducing inflamation in the brain, while adding a perfect blend of all the bodies needed amino acids, the body is thus provided with what it needs to manufacture, by God's design, the necessary glutathione to restore itself to health. Ethan's behavior before consuming one packet of Immunocal daily included biting, kicking and outbursts of anger. Ethan's amazing transformation has inspired the teaching staff to refer other parents to consider Immunocal. Academically and socially Ethan continues to improve. The natural pathic doctor in Canada who works with Ethan has now placed other kids, and young adults in their 20's on Immunocal. Ethan takes one packet a day mixed in Gerber baby carrots. When other kids get sick at school, becuase his immune system has been enhanced, he no longer gets sick. Before Immunocal, Ethan would require a round of strong anti-biotics to recover. Anthony, as a fire fighting dad also celebrates his improved energy, reduced stress and enhanced immune system.
DR GUSTAVO BOUNOUS knew that the common denominator of all disease was low glutathione which results in a comprimised immune system. God gave him the passion to research to find a solution and Dr Bounous gives credit to God for his serendipitous discovery of the impact of whey protein in his unique patented formula. Because of Immunocal's reported positive impact on children with Autism, Immunotec was approached by Nova Southern University so that they could conduct a randomized double-blind study at the Mailman Segal Center for Human Development (MSC)
Administering Nutritional Intervention, using Supplementation with Cysteine-Rich Whey Protein Isolate (Immunocal®) in Children with Autism: Effects in Core Areas of Behavior. Ongoing clinical trials are being conducted around the world for various applications.Background of Dr Gustavo Bounous and his team
In 1965 Doctor Bounous was Awarded the Medal of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He was a Fellow surgeon at Indiana Medical Center (1957-1961)
Asso Prof of Surgery, McGill University (1962-1968)
Prof of Surgery, University of Sherbrooke (1968-1985)
Prof of Surgery, McGill University (1985-1993)

Dr Bounous TEAM in the Immunocal Research
Dr Patricia Kongshavn, Prof at Dept of Med, McGill Uni
Dr Gerald Batist, Chair of Department of Oncology
Director, McGill Centre for Research in Cancer
Dr Phil Gold, Professor, McGill Department of Oncology
Dr Richard Lalonde, Montreal Chest Instit, McGill AIDS Ctr
Chief of Infectious Diseases, McGill Uni Health Ctr
Dr Marc Wainberg, Director, McGill AIDS Ctr &
Prof of Molecular Biology/Virology
Dr Sylvain Baruchel, Director Innovative Therapy Program.
The Hospital For Sick Children

WANT TO BE A BLESSING to an AUTISTIC child? Order a GIFT BOX of immunocal and have it delivered to their home or send them a link to this post. IMMUNO-DIRECT customers receive a 20% discount PLUS a FREE BOX every quarter. THAT is a $400 REWARD to the ordering family annually! ORDER:
OR CALL 888-917-7779 and ASK to be a IMMUNO-DRECT customer / referred by Barbara Alley Consultant ID# 229862

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