Tuesday, March 1, 2016


A poinsetta can only bloom when it thirsts for more. We too blossom when we strive for more living water. In 2009 I was thirsting for more of Jesus. As I trusted His leading, on Christmas day I found myself strolling on the cobblestone roads in Ajijic! His will be done in His amazing way! The pot of gold at the end of my work life will be collected in the place that the Ruler of all things has set for me. As we fly into the unknown, down the yellow brick road, without seeing, only believing, we arrive at the doors that God graciously opens for us.

THE SECRET and world success guru's promote NAME IT and CLAIM IT, or BLAB and GRAB whatever you want in life. However, the truth about the buried talents of any successful person today is that nobody uncovered their unique talent, their gifted treasure overnight! We begin with mustard seeds of faith --- and we must dig through the dirt of doubt to reveal our talents. When our desires and talents are buried, His way is to give us opportunity that requires a shovel, to uncover, to expose, to remove the piled on dirt of doubt one shovel at a time. After years of struggle to believe in ourselves, to trust our instincts, we gotta admit that we NEEDED that kick in the pants, that wake-up dream, those night sweats, or that news release that appeared bad, but - through the eyes of another - an opportunity of GREATNESS became visible and POSSIBLE! WOW - In August 09 my condo foreclosed, then in December 09, my dream Casa in Mexico was purchased! Any desire that we hold and release to God, for His will be done, we then walk in faith and release our dreams, trusting the best outcome. We humans NEED support, we NEED to be cheered - just like the tin man, the lion, Dorothy and the scarecrow! Together, one day at a time, one shovel at a time, one step along the yellow brick road at a time, this motley crew of strugglers - identified each others strengths and voiced them! Our ancestors started out in the garden of Eden where they could just wake up and grab the fruit they wanted from a vast unlimited orchard of trees. On Monday they might have chosen to grab a shiny dress from the Macy tree, and Tuesday to grab a tennis ball from the US OPEN tree. The grace of God paves the long and winding yellow brick road to eternity. He did not promise that it would be easy, but He did say that a full life would take a community of believers sticking together through the good and bad times. FAITH is walking in a way you have never walked. FAITH invloves risking loss, it requires us to stretch and move in scary directions. The first tiny step might be to do things differently than you ever have! Change your comfortable routine, strike out and appear foolish! Perhaps you need to talk to a tin person with a guarded heart, or sit next to a cowardly lion - LISTEN, watch and encourage them! We grow stronger as we acknowledge the reflection of spirit in others! There are scads of folks who would love to walk beside you with their own pair of ruby shoes! Tiny steps of courage may cause a panic attack, your adrenaline to pump, but remember that the witch of doubt, or any fear found on the yellow brick road is NOT REAL! The reality IS that God gave us the VISION and the talent! He placed His spirit within! We KNOW that we can do all things through Him! When God called His people to the promised land, ten spys made the majority of hearts afraid when they reported that there were too many obstacles to overcome. Joshua and Caleb came back and said "we can do this". FEAR is a state of mind, often times unjustifed, but unless we take a step out, we are NOT exercising FAITH.
Journey on the YELLOW BRICK ROAD requires:
1) DIG thru the DIRT and unearth dreams and courage
2) FAITH the wee size of a seed, and tiny steps
God empowers us to do exceedingly more than we can imagine. However, traveling down the road in the way that God compels us, is to travel believing that His presence is with us. God gives us the dream, the vision, and our hope! The goose bumps of JOY we experience when we arrive at our destination is His spirit ever within us. He goes before us to open doors. God gave us His invisible, untouchable power and He also gave me the desires of my heart to live near a lake, in a house of light to write! When the people of Israel took the yellow brick road away from Egypt (bondage) to the promised land, there were no solo travelers. People were fueled from the inside by God and outside by the people placed on the path alongside them. We were created by God, He is self-sustaining, but we can only thrive as we come together. There is no such thing as a self-made person. My trip to Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico was because I felt compelled to go from the inside. Wearing my Belt of Truth and carrying my Shield of Faith, His courage became mine and as I walked through the doors of Casa De La Luz in May 2011 ~ My Lord inflamed my heart with His peace about what is ahead. Soul supporters are essential while ruby slippers or pink flip flops are optional! John Thompson sent a message that gives me great JOY and confidence about the days ahead! The passport to transport us all safely through the land of OZ, is the armor we are given to wear. Dressed for success, carrying your Shield of Faith and wearing your Belt of Truth, and standing ready with your Sword of the Spirit ~ the wonders of each day will increase as you listen to what the Spirit is saying. The great cloud cover of the saints before us allows us to see doors open, the fantastic colors of a rainbo pop vividly, and His pleasure in the welcome we receive. Tred with joy the yellow brick road He paves for thee and savor His grace at His mercy seat! AMEN

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011

    No. 1 Best Climate in North America (The mile high altitude means very low humidity, average temperature 78 F (25.5 C) – year ‘round. Forget floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, nuclear disasters and tsunamis.

    No. 2 High Personal Safety: Our ladies feel safe to walk alone in our towns and villages alone even after dark.

    No. 3 Easy Access– Guadalajara International Airport just 45 minutes away from Chapala.

    No. 4 Wal-Mart, Movies in English, English Language Bookstores, a new shopping center, a casino and expats get FM3 renewed in charming downtown Chapala. 3 miles of malecon along the lake - walk immersed in beauty!

    No. 5 TELMEX telephone service, high-speed internet, satellite TV, bringing news from home in the USA and Canada.

    No. 6 Low cost, high quality health care, with state of the art facilities nearby. US trained bi lingual doctors.

    No. 7 A fixed Income multiplies with a cost of living estimated to be at least 30% lower or more than most of the USA.

    No. 8 There’s no ugly American syndrome in Chapala. The local people are very glad we’re here and not just for our business, but because we give back to the community with our many charities and volunteer work.

    No. 9 English is spoken throughout the area meaning you can get by without Spanish, although most retirees want to learn basic Spanish to enhance their lives here.

    No. 10 A diversity of culture. Art museum, Mountain vistas, a 65 mile long natural lake, and an abundance of flowers, trees, singing tropical birds, boating, outdoor amphitheatre, musical concerts most weekends, strolling mariaches, an active Expat society with over 1,200 members that take bus trips to PV.

    Barbara honors what God has prepared for her!
