PART A begins at the Mexican Consulate in Sacramento, or in the town that issues passports near you in the States. You must bring BANK stamped copies of 3 months bank statements. Marriage License. Passport. Drivers License, Copy of deed, Copies of any IRA's or other investments. Mexican Consulate takes your photo, takes fingerprints and electronically dispatches to Mexico. They also issue you a 6 month visa, which is a special stamp inside your passport. Once you enter Mexico, you have 90 days to begin the application process. CALL immigration attorney Spencer in Chapala 376-765-7553. His office is on Hidlago on the lakeside of the street, NEXT DOOR to the Lake Chapala Inn sign on Hidalgo. A fee of 5,500 pesos ($400 USA) will ensure a quick turn around. Give your passport and airline Visa to Spencer and he will complete all ever changing required forms.
IF you are NOT a pensioner with automatic monthly deposits of at least $1,500 per month, you can only file for temporary status. IF you already own a home in Mexico, the application process for a Residente Permanente, or a Residente Temporal is faster. Applicants will now need two appointments at INM offices to finish the immigration process. Using a local attorney HELPS because they have established relationships at the INM office. One appointment is required to have your fingerprints taken, to sign papers and to deliver your (6) photos. You will need to return for a second appointment to receive your wallet GREEN colored (PR) immigration card. The day you pick up your GREEN Residente Permanente (RP) card, drop off a photocopy of your PASSPORT and a copy of FRONT and BACK of GREEN (RP) card at INM office and request a CURP card. A curp card is necessary to obtain State of Jalisco Health Insurance at Seguro Popular. The INM is responsible for accepting and/or rejecting visa applications from foreigners who wish to live in Mexico. Another agency, the SecretarÃa de Relaciones Exteriores (Secretary of Exterior Relations or SRE, sometimes also called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is responsible for monitoring immigrants within its borders. Specific information about the laws can be obtained by individuals who hire attorneys to expedite the process and avoid long delays. BELOW a picture of GREEN (RP) Residente Permanente wallet sized card. MAKE a color copy and get it laminated to carry with you. The laminated copy is sufficient at banks etc. Keep the original at home in a safe place. IF it gets lost or stolen, it is a huge process to get replacement. Spencer makes this process a breeze. Expect it to take 2 months to get GREEN card, and TWO weeks to get CURP card.
"Walk this way" and follow Me, into My word and be blessed by what God shall reveal unto you. LOVE is a verb! God is Love and He is active and moving. His love is the seed that He placed in us when we were conceived. His plans for us are predestined. His love for us is evident in all the miraculous beauty that surrounds us. We are His wide varietal bouquet, each person a unique flower, delicate, and beautiful to behold! We shine, we sparkle because of the Light of Jesus within. Jesus gave us the charge to go and LIGHT UP THE WORLD. We are His and He is our unlimited Source of power! Our sparkle is polished to a radiant shine as we gather together regularly to be honest, to be transparent, and love one another as we are loved. As His chosen people, comitt to remaining accountable to the following: SPARKLE AT HOME in His holy Presence. Remain in Him, as He remains in Thee. In complete UNITY embrace these truths:
1) God's Word is active
2) Salavation is by grace
3) The Diety of Jesus
4) Jesus will return
5) Resurrection reality
6) Jesus born of a virgin
7) The Holy Trinity exists
Our Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, as One, we call on the Name above all names, we call on Jesus, and we speak His name with reverence, for He is holy, He is God and we worship Him because He alone is worthy. As the church is His, not man's creation, not man's building, not man's monument, as His people we agree to disagree about the non-essential things that may cause His children to divide and therefore fall from His grace.
1) Method of baptism - fully immersed, sprinkled, pool, ocean
2) Kinds of worship music - songs - instruments
3) The role of a woman serving Christ in the church
4) Wearing make-up or believers dancing
5) Whether drinking a glass of wine is a sin
6) What date or time Jesus is coming back
7) What version of the Word of God should be studied
Imagine the people of Stockton, Lodi, Manteca (and beyond) coming together weekly to discuss the Holy Bible while developing new transparent friendships. Imagine people of Ajijic, Chapala and Guadalaraja being changed as a result of regular participation. As we sparkle at home, and invite others to gather in an atmosphere of beauty and worship, to partake in the living and active Word of God, let us delight in our personal Jesus and in the astounding ways He blesses us, cares for us, equips us, restores us, and uses us, individually as we tell others of what He has done in us and through us. AMEN! Let us BE REAL about our faith, our walk, and our growth in Him, by Him and for His glory. Let us come together with the same Holy Bible, in differenct communities, neighborhoods and continents ~ to be connected by the same Saviour, who loves all, redeems all, and provides for all our needs. Let us learn from the experience of other gardeners in the field of Jesus followers. This is an awesome vision! A church of Jesus Christ that outgrew a home, because He attracted so many by our Joy in Him! Our homes overflowed and so a simple midtown structure was built to provide a place for a growing number of people, all who admit a desire to share in the Joy of the Lord that we carry. The first Chapala church will be held in Unit #7 at Villa Santa Paula in 2014. Jesus gave me this vision and I trust that He will prepare me, and the way for this vision to be a reality. If you live in Jalisco, hold this vision in your prayer and know that God will spread His Message of Salvation, Restoration and Revelation in you, and in your home too. No need to wait upon Barbara, just open your doors, invite Jesus and others and He will make it happen. Women in positions of leadership at other churches, or local businesses, please join me in a prayer for preparation and provision. Let us be willing servants for our Lord Jesus longs to bless us in unimaginable ways. "I will not leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5 -- As we go through life, we are encapsulated in God's love, secured by His covenant, and guided by His Word. Notes from the sermon given by Pastor Ken at Little Chapel on Sunday February 4, 2018. The words we mumble, sing or pray do NOT sway God to act on our behalf.....the Holy Spirit thankfully intercedes for us, and His will, NOT ours is consistently done. "Living in Him" means that we are His chosen Ambassadors and we are to represent Who He is through us, the mercy, grace, love, compassion and kindness we extend...we first received from Jesus. By taking His name, His word...we are clothed in His righteousness, and His way becomes our best response to all people, in every situation. We call ourselves Christians, NOT in vain for our gain, but with humility and gratitude for all He has done "in" us and for us. Like in marriage we become One and take His name, for His purposes and glory. AMEN
There is so much GOOD we can do in Mexico. It is a wide open mission field which enables "retired" folks to stay busy doing something that builds the kingdom, while giving us peace about how we can help. There are many worthy organizations. The Hope House is an orphange for boys. For more information click this link: HOPE HOUSE
The American Legion post #7 is located on the corner of Morelos and Guerrero in Chapala. The Legion also raises money to assist those who are less fortunate. Whether you are visiting Lakeside, or living at Lakeside full time, your donations of clothing and food will be distributed by the Legion in Chapala. The annual renewal fee for membership at the Legion is only 300 pesos. With that membership you get a 10% discount of food at their American cafe. Comfort foods, a lending library and monthly events gives you ample opportunity to fellowship with folks amazing folks from around the globe.