IF you are NOT a pensioner with automatic monthly deposits of at least $1,500 per month, you can only file for temporary status. IF you already own a home in Mexico, the application process for a Residente Permanente, or a Residente Temporal is faster. Applicants will now need two appointments at INM offices to finish the immigration process. Using a local attorney HELPS because they have established relationships at the INM office. One appointment is required to have your fingerprints taken, to sign papers and to deliver your (6) photos. You will need to return for a second appointment to receive your wallet GREEN colored (PR) immigration card. The day you pick up your GREEN Residente Permanente (RP) card, drop off a photocopy of your PASSPORT and a copy of FRONT and BACK of GREEN (RP) card at INM office and request a CURP card. A curp card is necessary to obtain State of Jalisco Health Insurance at Seguro Popular.
The INM is responsible for accepting and/or rejecting visa applications from foreigners who wish to live in Mexico. Another agency, the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (Secretary of Exterior Relations or SRE, sometimes also called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is responsible for monitoring immigrants within its borders. Specific information about the laws can be obtained by individuals who hire attorneys to expedite the process and avoid long delays. BELOW a picture of GREEN (RP) Residente Permanente wallet sized card. MAKE a color copy and get it laminated to carry with you. The laminated copy is sufficient at banks etc. Keep the original at home in a safe place. IF it gets lost or stolen, it is a huge process to get replacement. Spencer makes this process a breeze. Expect it to take 2 months to get GREEN card, and TWO weeks to get CURP card.

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